Monday, October 8, 2012

Getting Started : Zend Framework Installation

Before get into zend framework project, let's understand a few things about ZF.
The core of ZF is a loosely  coupled application framework that consists  of a library of components.

These components are well written in object-oriented PHP. They can be used independently. It means that, you need to include those libraries which are required for your project, not to include all library of ZF.

Install Zend Framework

--> For Windows :

  1. Download latest ZF from official site of Zend Framework.
  2. extract that folder.  "ZendFramework-1.11.11-minimal"
  3. open file in command tool,
  4. cd ZendFramework-1.11.11-minimal / bin / zf.bat
  5. type : zf --help

--> For Linux (Fedora) :

  1. login as a root user from terminal.
  2. Type These all commands :  "rpm -Uvh"
  3. rpm -Uvh
  4. yum --enablerepo=remi install php-ZendFramework
  5. type : zf --help
That's it. Zend Framework environment is on your personal server.

Now, In next tutorial I'll explain you, how to create project with ZF on NetBeans.