Sunday, March 11, 2012

Fedora Server

If you have installed Fedora server and want to configure server, i.e. http and mysql are already installed with your fedora.  then this tutorial is for you.

Step 1 :
 Open your terminal and login as a super user.

Step 2 :
a.)  service httpd start  [for starting http server].

b.) service mysqld start [for starting mysql server]

Step 3 :

  • to see your http server started or nor ?  : open browser -> type : http://locahost/ then it'll show you default page of server.
  • to see your mysql server :  open new terminal -> type :  mysql -u root

  • to start services from booting operating system:
    • chkconfig --levels 235 httpd on   [for http server]
    • chkconfig --levels 235 mysqld on [for mysql server]

Now, your http and database servers are ready to use.

to put your content in your server, put them all in /var/www/html directory.

Note : To install http and mysql server from ground I'll explain it in next tutorial.